Friday, September 22, 2006

Central West End. The End.

I realised that I probably haven't given you as clear a picture of what St Louis is like as I should have since I started this thing so allow me to rectify that oversight.

Before I being though, some essential background geography. Essentially, St Louis can be divided into the North and South segments by Forest Park. (see post entitled SIO AH!!!) The school and where I live is on the South side of forest park. On the other side of Forest Park and slightly to the West is the slightly more upmarket and chi-chi-er Central West End. In this post I'm gonna give you a glimpse of that side of St Louis, the side further away from the nightly sirens and the 2 robberies a month since I arrived statistics.

The area is characterised by lovely historical old brownstone buildings and tall tall condominiums with such pretentious names as Pierre Chateau (you know that the owners just threw 2 of the frenchiest sounding words together to get that name) and the Plaza Park Royale. It is also home to the Cathedral Basilica of St Louis, which is a gorgeous gorgeous piece of architecture.

I didn't manage to get any shots of the inside of the chapel because it was closed by the time we got there but I hear it's got gorgeous stained glass windows so I'm definitely going back there soon.

It is also home to the Angel of Harmony.

Although truth be told, harmony is not the first thing that comes to mind upon casting eyes on his countenance (no offence).

This is what happens when there is no one around and liangwei has no choice but to snap self portraits by himself. We wanted to get at least some part of the statue. We failed.

At this point, my camera died. Alas.

So you see, it's really a pretty nice place and not the horrid slummy shit hole I might have painted in my first few posts. It is also, most certainly, not backward although it is a small city and no, I have not had to milk a cow yet although I have been invited to go cow tipping, which is another story for another time.


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