Sunday, April 08, 2007

Welcome back!

So yes, now that the jessups are over, one might say that my life is back to normal although some may ask what exactly that entails and to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure either. I had originally intended a long discourse on this most memorable of experiences but words fail me. Perhaps at a later date when the words that automatically associate with that memory are more than just "WOOOOAAAHHHH.... ARRRGHHHH... PAAAAIINNNN.... NO WAYYYYYYYY... EHHHHHH?...".

Until then however, I thought it appropriate that I should update the rest of you loyal readers (if there are any left of course) of my life thus far. First up:

Freaky Flash Storms Seize St Louis - Coldest Winter in last 15 (or thereabout) years.

The thing about winter is that while it is at times painfully exquisite that too is precisely its problem. It is PAINFUL. To walk through, to drive through, to exercise in, to shop for groceries in the midst of, and basically to just be alive in. Which is why everytime I see a homeless person (and there are quite literally a tonne here) I always wonder (a bit morbidly I'll admit) if I'll see that same person the next morning. There is no other season that draws the distinction between the haves and the have-nots any more starkly than winter does - when more than just economics, market forces, social and racial stereotyping and just plain bad luck are against them, when even the weather turns hostile and inhospitable, when essentially the world takes their lot and rubs it in their faces. I suppose what I realised then was that even appreciation of the beauty of winter was a privilege that very few of us realise is not an entitlement, that it isn't something that everyone else enjoys and that we should be very thankful we're in a position where we can look out at a snow covered landscape from behind glass and warmth and central heating.

That said, winter does make for some beautiful landscapes, where everything is pristine white and delicate. Where the branches glisten in the sun, bejeweled crowns against a backdrop of white. I'll definitely miss the changing of the seasons, there's something terribly invigorating about renewal and birth after 3 months of dastardly chilling weather and when everything is bleak and grey and the sun is around for approximately 8 hours a day. When there is nary a chirp or a rustle first because everything is hibernating and second because I suppose there really aren't any leaves to rustle on the bushes. But enough of cliched descriptions of the weather. I shall embarrass myself no more. More to come in just a little while more friends. Thank you, and welcome back!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

welcome back! its great that ur writing again =)

5:50 PM  
Blogger Adam said...

finally! =)

12:55 AM  
Blogger Zhu!!! said...

can you post some pictures of humans...

10:05 PM  
Blogger York said...

.. especially of you + hot jap babe (hehe)

6:26 AM  
Blogger Zhu!!! said...

oh. and i absolutely love the last 4 photos.
the re-freezing of the melted snow makes 'em berries and leaves look like they are part of a fruit tart under those transparent, sweet whatchamacallit layers!

7:52 AM  

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