Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Why oh why did I ever think taking environmental law was a good idea?

Egad. It is 1.43 in the morning and I am on question 3 of 10 for the class later today. I am also on call which means I will be picked on and apart mercilessly for an hour and a half until I throw my arms up in despair and declare shamefully that I am a dunce and a know nothing fraud!

What kind of statute defines a term by referring to another statute? What kind praytell, what kind?!!

“Liability” is defined in §101(32) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation And Liability Act, as the standard of liability which obtains under section 1321 of Title 33 (§311 of CWA).

If any of you think that you've gotten the grasp of statutory interpretation and research, you know nothing of the true horrors that the legislature can wreck upon your miserable uncomplicated, straightforward, lawnet-searching lives.

O woe is me!


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